
An Abominable (but pretty) Winter in Portland!!!

As a few of you already know by now, PBLC just moved its headquarters and work space in the middle of the worst snow storm Portland has experienced in several decades…honestly, what were the odds of that??? Unfortunately, the snow madness caused some temporary delays in service. We were able to finish our move this past Friday and are busy catching up with orders this week, sending out personal email notifications as they are mailed out. If you haven’t heard from us yet, please know we are plowing through orders (ha ha ha…some Snowpocalypse humor there…) as quickly as possible. If you have a particular concern regarding your order, please don’t hesitate to pm us via facebook, convo us through etsy, or email us through our website. All affected orders will be receiving a free sample of Abominable matte white lipstick (except those who actually ordered Abominable… will receive a free sample of Snow Queen) in addition to whatever free sample/s you would ordinarily receive with your order. Thanks again for weathering the storm with us!!!!!!

Our old neighborhood the first night of the storm…gorgeous, but totally anti-car!!