
Curious Gallery is this weekend!!

Are you an amateur naturalist?? A collector of peculiarities?? Does your apartment resemble a museum or do you practically *live* in a terrarium of your own construction?? If so, I hope you’ll attend Curious Gallery this weekend!! We’re proud to join GEAR Con and Wells & Verne in sponsoring this unique event—a celebration of the wunderkammern tradition, aka ‘cabinets of curiosity.’ There will be artists, vendors, and giveaways in addition to a diverse program on everything from alchemy to zoology (get it…a to z??) Really—you should go to this if you possibly can!!! For the details, please visit the official event site here.


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Bloody Gorgeous!!


We are delighted to report that our Blood Red lipstick was featured in Auxiliary Magazine’s latest issue as part of their vampire-themed beauty piece entitled ‘Bloodthirst’. You can read this month’s issue at the link below!!


We’re back!!!

As of today, our vacation is officially over!! We will try to catch up with orders and correspondence as quickly as possible. Thanks so much for your patience–it was wonderful having the extra time to spend with my family!!!

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***Portland Black Lipstick Co. on Summer Vacation from Aug.2nd to Aug.18th***

Hello Everyone!! PBLC is going on vacation soon!! You will still be able to place orders and contact us during our two weeks off, but we will not be able to process orders or respond to inquiries until after our vacation ends. All orders placed by Midnight PST on August 2nd will be processed and shipped out pre-vacation. Any orders placed after August 2nd will be processed and shipped as quickly as we can after August 18th. As ever, we are grateful to you all for your patronage and general awesomeness!!!


Catching up on recent news….Part 1!!!

Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted and so much has been happening!!  I will try to catch up in the next few weeks, starting with:

blush beauty 2

We are delighted that Blush Beauty Bar is now carrying our lipsticks!!! This place has such an interesting and varied selection of cosmetics—it’s a paradise for beauty nerds!!  (Plus, they do threading, which I love!!)  You can find out more about them here.