We are delighted to report that our Blood Red lipstick was featured in Auxiliary Magazine’s latest issue as part of their vampire-themed beauty piece entitled ‘Bloodthirst’. You can read this month’s issue at the link below!!
The staff of Static understand that windows are for looking at, not through!
For the last few months, we have had the pleasure of selling our products at Static, an excellent boutique on East Burnside in Portland. They opened in 2011, so are relatively new–if you haven’t gone there yet, we highly recommend it!
They carry great, gothy classics like Lip Service clothing and jewelry from Alchemy Gothic, lots of delicious band t-shirts and hoodies, vintage clothing and hand crafted conceits from local artisans. Many of these items are sold below recommended list price, like the marvelous parasol from London I bought myself (pictured below…)
Even their rain is pretty! Portlanders rejoice!
The atmosphere makes browsing a pleasure. The music is always wonderful and the owner, Simone, is friendly, funny and very knowledgeable. Here she is, pictured below with counter top and paper skeletons:
Lipstick matches walls!!!
Static is located at 2400 East Burnside, Portland (Oregon!) and can be found online at facebook [http://www.facebook.com/staticpdx]. We are currently selling all of our regular colors of lipstick and glitter there, along with Phantom Powder and Vegan Corpsepaint. Stay tuned for more on that last item!! Best, PBLC
Remember your postmodern culture class? You are text, and what text couldn't benefit from some illumination? This shiny, beautiful gold will highlight your every discourse
Amount: .15oz in a lip balm-style container
For our friends who have mastered the fine art of invisibility, we offer a clear lip moisturizer that will never give the game away
Amount: .15oz in a lip balm-style container