So exciting–PBLC was mentioned by Lindsey Reif in Marjorie Skinner’s 2012 best of fashion retrospective (in the current issue of The Mercury!!) Thanks to all our friends, old and new, for making this year so very outstanding!!! Happy New Year, Everyone!!!!!!!
Tag: Portland Black Lipstick Company
If you live in Portland, then you have probably already heard about the Little Boxes event taking place today and tomorrow. If not, or if you are visiting our city for the holiday, please check out this link to learn more about it.
They have a map of over 100 participating stores–independent shops stocked with unique handmade items and the work of local designers and artisans!! We are thrilled and honored that several of the shops taking part sell our lipstick, including Backtalk, Mag-Big, Yo Vintage!, and Wolf’s Apothecary!!!!
We are very happy to announce that Yo Vintage! has started selling our lipsticks! They are having a special event tonight for 1st Thurs, starting at 6:00pm, with new fashions, new art installations, and even a braid workshop!! For more info, please see their blog at
Happy Halloween!!
Just in time for Halloween, here’s a seasonally appropriate blog post from the lovely ladies at Backtalk that celebrates some of our darker shades of lipstick!